UA-81072906-2 google-site-verification=Zk-meU06HTotV40Ld1D5T6jzT0PNbhXJ9-mroeS8L64 Such a Tease Trailer. - Self Published


Published on:

16th Aug 2020



I am Aziza Kibibi and I'm so excited to share with you my journey as a self published author.

"We are walking stories. Rarely opening our pages to others for fear of their judgments and criticisms." - Aziza Kibibi 

What's this all about?

"Self Published" chronicles much of what I was going through the 4 years it took me to write and publish my book Unashamed: a life tainted...vols. 1 and 2.

You'll listen to stories of my process and life, which include everything from my attempts at securing a traditional publisher, to getting an opportunity to promote my book on the ABC talk show "Katie!" before I even finished writing it, and the many tools and resources I used to keep myself motivated through the entire ordeal to get it done.

So when will this all happen?

In this 10 episode season, Every Monday starting September 14, 2020, I will upload a podcast episode that is an eloquent mash-up of my archived blog posts "Unashamed an Open Book," and my journal entries correlating with the publishing of the blog. Those tasty nuggets will be accompanied by insight, resources and advice on self-publishing a book. And to top it all off, it will be accented by a couple of dashes of crazy that was going on behind the scenes.

Why should You care?

If you are a budding author, a fellow human living a life that deserves to be surrounded by letterbox complete with opening and closing credits, a person who wants to share their story to help the world, or someone who just enjoys listening to interesting life experiences, then this podcast is for you.

Is that all?

If you want to learn more about my story, my work and other projects, as well as support my philanthropic efforts to fight child molestation and domestic violence, be sure to visit my website, subscribe to my YouTube channel, follow me on social media, buy my book, check out my nonprofit, join me on Patreon, and most definitely, email me at

And let's not forget...

The purpose of everything I do is to help someone else. I believe that we are here in this existence with so many others to contribute to each other's evolution. Edutainment is my favorite genre. So in every episode of "Self Published", my intention is to inspire and help you to share your stories. If you want to write a book, you'll find resources in my episodes to realize your dreams. If you want to start a podcast, I'll include information for that too.

Below is a link to whet your appetite.

Now finally, without further ado, please enjoy this small sample of what's to come.

Episode Transcript

I remember the day I started writing my book. I was sitting at the base of my daughter’s hospital bed in a bedroom in my mothers house that I shared with my 5 children. We slept on the floor next to a recliner reserved for the overnight nurse for my daughter Uwakokunre. We’d been put out of our home we rented because the owner went into foreclosure. Sidebar: I later learned he didn’t actually go into foreclosure; he just wanted to sell. Not knowing my rights as a renter, I didn’t contest and moved out within 30 days. Hashtag, Know your rights and how to use them. 

Uwakokunre had just returned home from a 10 day stay in the hospital. She came down with pneumonia because as she got older, her lungs got weaker, so trips to the ER became even more frequent. Post traumatic stress syndrome sent me to my computer to journal about my life; therapy to cope with the remnants of being molested, raped and abused by my infamous father. 

Two years, one child less, a new home and 4 college classes later, I came to the conclusion that my journal should become a memoir, and that memoir should be published as a book. 

This weekly podcast is about that journey. Not only the journey of publishing a book, but the journey we all take as humans trying to establish and share (or not) ourselves with the world. 

In its most basic definition, “publish” means to make public.

We are walking stories. Rarely opening our pages to others for fear of their judgments and criticisms. 

The process of me publishing my book taught me a lot about myself, those who I thought I knew well, those who iv’e never met, and yes what it takes to be a self published author. And now I’m sharing it all with you. 


Show artwork for Self Published

About the Podcast

Self Published
The shameless journey of a self made author.
One night I decided to write a book...just for me.
It was sort of like a diary. I wrote in my book about being in the hospital with my daughter when she was sick; how I met and married my husband; what it was like when he cheated on me with my sister. You know, regular everyday stuff.

I also wrote how I managed to escape my abusive father, raise the children that I had by him and testify in court about what he did to me as a child.

Yeah, that was one night.

On another night I decided to publish the book that was sort of like a diary. And on that night, like many want to be authors, I dreamed of finding a publisher and collecting a sweet advance because they just knew that my book would sell millions of copies!
But then I woke up...

5 years later I'm podcasting my journey on trying to get my book published the traditional way and learning how to publish it myself, all the while raising my children, working, going to college full time and testifying against our father in court.

Being a writer is a journey. Becoming an author is an adventure!
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